Trisetum scitulum Bor ex Barberá

, Syst. Bot. 42(4): 801, figs. 1, 9, 11 (2017).
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Systematic Botany; Quarterly Journal of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists
42(4): 801, figs. 1, 9, 11
Date of Publication
18 Dec 2017
Family as entered in IPNI

Type Information

27°20’N 88°37’E, J. D. Hooker s. n. (holotype: K–32269!; isotypes: GH!, K!, L–50297 (image!), P–2255859!, W–25045
Type Herbaria
holotype K
isotype GH
isotype K
isotype L
isotype P
isotype W
27° 20' N
88° 37' E
Distribution Of Types
Sikkim (India, Indian Subcontinent, Asia-Tropical)

Nomenclatural Notes



“Trisetum scitulum Bor, Kew Bull. 11(2): 212. 1956 (Latin lacking)” and “Trisetum scitulum Bor ex Chrtek, Acta Univ. Carol., Biol. 1967(2): 105. 1968 (type citation lacking)” were not validly published. Barber´a (l.c.) listed “TRISETUM SCITULUM Bor ex Chrtek, Acta Univ. Carol., Biol. 1967: 105. 1967” as an accepted name, provided a description in English, cited the holotype, and thus inadvertently validated the species name. (english) doi:10.1600/036364417X696564


Basionym of
Sibirotrisetum scitulum (Bor ex Barberá) Barberá, J. Syst. Evol. 58(4): 524 (2019).
Validation of
Trisetum scitulum Bor, Kew Bull. 11(2): 212 (1956), nom. inval.