Flora of Taiwan / edited by the Editorial Committee of the Flora of Taiwan; under the auspice of National Science Council of the Republic of China. Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Added t.p.: Tʻai-wan chih wu chih. Pien chi wei yüan hui. v. 1. Pteridophyta and gymnospermae -- v. 2. Angiospermae -- v. 3. Angiosperms-Dicotyledons [Hamamelidaceae-Umbelliferae] -- v. 4. Angiosperms- Dicotyledons [Diapensiaceae-Compositae] -- v. 5. Angiosperms-Monocotyledons [Alismataceae-Triuridaceae] -- v. 6. Pt. I. Composition, endemism and phytogeographical affinities, pt. II. A checklist of the vascular plants of Taiwan, pt. III. Index of scientific names, pt. IV. Index of Chinese names and Supplement: Errata v. 1-5.