Traite des Arbres et Arbustes que l'on Cultive en France, par Duhamel. Nouvelle edition . . . Paris
- Standard Form
- Traité Arbr. Arbust. (Duhamel), nouv. éd.
- IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
- Dates
- 7 vols: [1800-] 1801-1819 1: 1800-03 2: 1804 3: 1806 4: 1809 5: 1812 6: 1815 7: 1819. Re-issue 1825 and 1852?
- Remarks
- Contributions from several authors; edited by a few authors. Also called the Nouveau Duhamel.
- Author
- Duhamel du Monceau, Henri Louis
- TL-2 Number
- 1.547
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