Fasciculus Plantarum Magellanicarum

Standard Form
Fasc. Pl. Magell.
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
ante 23 Mai 1789
According to TL-2 (#1824), Fasc. Pl. Magell. is a reprint from: Comm. Soc. Goett. 9: 13-74. 1787. According to Dan Nicolson (US; pers. comm.), this is a preprint and the journal article appeared in 1789. However, in TL-2 Supplement (l.c.), Nicolson cited the date as: shortly before 23 Mai 1789
Forster, Johann George Adam
TL-2 Number
1.824; Suppl. F-Frer.: 329. 2008

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