Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the Fram, 1898-1902. Kristiania

Standard Form
Rep. Second Norweg. Arctic Exped.
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
NOTES: Issued in 36 numbers, each with special t.p.¹and separate paging, 1904-17, at the expense of the¹Fridtjof Nansen Fund for the Advancement of¹Science
NOTES: Published by Videnskabs-selskabet i Kristiania. Editing¹committee: W.C. Brogger, R. Collett, G. Guldberg , H. Mohn, and N.¹Willie. Managing editors: P. Schei and after his death, N. Willie.¹Accompanied by supplementary volume (various pagings) issued in 1930¹Includes bibliographies and index.