Haplophyllum suaveolens var. glabrum C.C.Towns.

, Kew Bull. 20(1): 89 (1966).
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Species Name
Haplophyllum suaveolens (DC.) G.Don, Gen. Hist. 1: 780 (1831).
Kew Bulletin. Kew, England
20(1): 89
Date of Publication
14 Jun 1966
Family as entered in IPNI


[protologue (pp. 89--90): var. glabrum C. C. Townsend, var. nov., H. sylvaticum Boiss., Diagn., s~r. I (8): 126 (1849), synon. nov.; Material structurally identical to var. cilicicum, including the short broad calyx teeth, and occurring on Mount Cassius in extreme SE. Turkey and adjoining hills, has a very different appearance because of its complete glabrescence. Specimens such as Siehe 376 from Cappadocia, however, link the two forms.


Replaced synonym
Haplophyllum sylvaticum Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Orient. ser. 1, 8: 126 (1849).