Sonerila scapigera Hook.

, London J. Bot. 7: 672 (1848). BHL
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
The London journal of botany: containing figures and descriptions of ... plants ... together with botanical notices and information and ... memoirs of eminent botanists / by W.J. Hooker.. London
7: 672
Family as entered in IPNI

Type Information

Hab. The Ghauts, near Bombay, found in the rainy season.
Distribution Of Types
Maharashtra (India, Indian Subcontinent, Asia-Tropical)
Type Remarks
collection: N.A. Dalzell

Original Data

Ind. or


For the name S. scapigera, some works show Dalzell as the author; he served as the conservator of forests at Bombay (Mumbai) during 1841-1870. The protologue shows the title as “Figure and description of a new Sonerila from Bombay; discovered by N. A. Dalzell, Esq.; by W. J. H.”. The text shows “Our present object is to figure and describe a new species lately received, with many other interesting plants from Bombay, and which, as far as we can ascertain, is unique in having no stem: hence we name it, SONERILA SCAPIGERA, n. Sp.” It is evident that Dalzell was the collector, that he was in India at the time of the publication, and that he sent the material to that the article author W.J. Hooker, who provided the new species name and the description.