Filago Loefl.

, Sp. Pl. 2: 927, 1199, [add. post indicem] (1753), nom. cons. BHL
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Species Plantarum
2: 927, 1199, [add. post indicem]
Date of Publication
1 May 1753
Family as entered in IPNI

Type Information

Type Name
F. pyramidata L. (typ. cons.).

Nomenclatural Notes

Status: nom. cons.

addit. publ.: in L., Gen. Pl. ed. 5: 397. 1754


Linnaeus (Gen. Pl. ed. 5: 397. 1754) cited FILAGO.* auctore P. Loefllng; he (Sp. Pl., 1753) did not provide descriptions for generic names, but his 1754 work has descriptions. The Code allows the 1753 generic names be linked with the descriptions in the 1754 work and treats the generic names in the 1753 work as validly published (see the Melbourne Code Art. 13.4)


Duplicate citation of
Filago Loefl., Sp. Pl. 2: 927, 1199, [1230] (1753), nom. cons.