Colleteria David W.Taylor

, Syst. & Geogr. Pl. 73(2): 203 (2003).
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Systematics and Geography of Plants
73(2): 203
Date of Publication
Dec ? 2003
Family as entered in IPNI

Type Information

Type Name
C. exserta (De Candolle) D.W.Taylor (Psychotria exserta de Candolle)


Taylor (2003) published the genus name Colleteria validly; subsequently, he (in J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 8(2): 530. 2014) applied the ICN (Shenzhen Code) Art. 20.2, considered the preceding genus name as invalid, and mentioned that the ‘term “colleteria” is the plural of “colleterium,” a technical entomological term for “an accessory glandular structure of oviduct which manufactures and secretes viscid material used to cement eggs together”. However, Werner Greuter (B) is of the opinion that the entomological term is of no relevance to the ICN and that “the correct Latin(ized) form, if needed, would be colleter (pl. colleteres), declined in the same way as Aster in obvious analogy with elater, mentioned in Stearn under third declension nouns. there is no case ending in -ia whatever the case or number, so … Colleteria stands” as a valid name


Replaced synonym of
Wandersong David W.Taylor, J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 8(2): 530 (2014), nom. illeg.
Duplicate citation of
Colleteria David W.Taylor, Syst. & Geogr. Pl. 73(2): 203 (2003) (2003).