Galega villosa Michx.

, Fl. Bor.-Amer. (Michaux) 2: 67 (-68) (1803), nom. illeg. BHL
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Flora Boreali-Americana (Michaux)
2: 67 (-68)
Date of Publication
19 Mar 1803
Family as entered in IPNI

Type Information

Collector Team
A.Michaux s.n.
Type Herbaria
null P
Distribution Of Types
Carolina, Florida, United States of America (Northern America)

Nomenclatural Notes

Status: nom. illeg. later homonym non (L.) L. (1759).


Replaced synonym of
Galega florida F.Dietr.
Replaced synonym of
Galega florida F.Dietr., Nachtr. Vollst. Lex. Gärtn. 3: 422 (1817).
Replaced synonym of
Tephrosia prostrata Nutt., Gen. N. Amer. Pl. [Nuttall]. 2: 120 (1818), nom. illeg.
Replaced synonym of
Tephrosia villosa Pers., Syn. Pl. [Persoon] 2: 329, no. 17 (1807).
Same citation as
Galega villosa Michx., Fl. Bor.-Amer. (Michaux) 2: 67 (1803).