Sterculia xolocotzii T.Wendt & E.L.Taylor
, Lundellia 2: 128 (-135, figs. 1-4) (1999).- IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
- Publication
- Lundellia
- Collation
- 2: 128 (-135, figs. 1-4)
- Date of Publication
- Dec 1999
- Family as entered in IPNI
- Sterculiaceae
Type Information
- Collector Team
- A.Villalobos C.,T.L.Wendt, I.Navarrete 3149
- Type Herbaria
- holotype MEXU
isotype CHAPA
isotype ENCB
isotype F
isotype GH
isotype TEX - Distribution Of Types
- Mun. Minatitlan: 13.7 km al E de La Laguna sobre terraceria a Uxpanapa, luego 3.8 km al N sobre camino nuevo (no completo) a Belisario Dominguez
afloramientoscarsticos, selva pertubada, rodea, Veracruz (Mexico, Northern America)
[Gandhi 21 Jan 2000]