Spiranthes decipiens Hook.

, Fl. Bor.-Amer. (Hooker) 2(11): 203, t. 204 (1839). BHL
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Flora Boreali-Americana [Hooker]; or, the botany of the northern parts of British America...
2(11): 203, t. 204
Date of Publication
1–15 Nov 1839
Family as entered in IPNI

Type Information

'Hab. Lake Huron. Dr. Todd [s.n.]. Lake Simcoe, and near the sources of the Columbia River. Drummond [s.n.]. Fort Vancouver and Straits of De Fuca. Dr. Scouler [s.n.]'


Basionym of
Goodyera decipiens (Hook.) F.T.Hubb., Standard. Pl. Names 328, left column (1923).
Basionym of
Goodyera decipiens (Hook.) F.T.Hubb., Standard. Pl. Names 328 (1923).
Basionym of
Goodyera decipiens (Hook.) H.St.John & Constance, Fl. S.-e. Washington (St. John) 99 (1937), isonym.
Nomenclatural link
Peramium decipiens Piper, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 11: 208 (1906).
Nomenclatural link
Epipactis decipiens Ames, Orchidaceae (Ames) 2: 261 (1908).
Replaced synonym of
Goodyera menziesii Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. Sig. 18: 492 (1840), nom. illeg.
Replaced synonym of
Goodyera menziesii Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 492 (1840), nom. illeg.
Duplicate citation of
Spiranthes decipiens Hook., Fl. Bor.-Amer. (Hooker) 2(11): 203 (1839).