Panicum campylostachyum Hack.

, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 51: 367 (1901). BHL
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Oesterreichische Botanische Zeitschrift. Gemeinnütziges Organ für Botanik ...
51: 367
Family as entered in IPNI

Type Information

Collector Team
H.F.Pittier 11012
Type Herbaria
lectotype W
isotype K
Distribution Of Types
savannis ad Canas Gordas, Costa Rica (Central America, Southern America)


The LT. data from Pinto, Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. Exact. 23(suppl. esp.): 111. 1999 [2000]


Basionym of
Thrasya campylostachya (Hack.) Chase, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 24: 115 (1911).
Basionym of
Paspalum campylostachyum (Hack.) S.Denham, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 92(4): 489 (2005).
Basionym of
Thrasya campylostachya (Hack.) Chase, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington xxiv. 115 (1911).
Nomenclatural link
Thrasya campylostachya (Hack.) Chase, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 24: 115 (1911).
Same citation as
Panicum campylostachyum Hack., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 51: 367 (1901).