Banksia nivea Labill.

, Relation du Voyage a la Recherche de la P?rouse 1 (1800).
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Relation du Voyage a la Recherche de la P?rouse 1
Family as entered in IPNI


Given under BANKSIA L.f. (nom. cons.). Base name for Dryandra nivea (Labill.) R.Br.; Dryandra nivea var. adscendens Endl.; Josephia nivea (Labill.) Kuntze; Josephia rachidifolia Knight.


Pimelea nivea Labill., Novae Hollandiae Plantarum Specimen (1805).
Basionym of
Dryandra nivea (Labill.) R.Br., Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Botany 10 (1810).
Basionym of
Dryandra nivea var. adscendens Endl., Genera Plantarum Supplement. (1848).
Basionym of
Josephia rachidifolia Knight, On the Cultivation of the Plants Belonging to the Natural Order of Proteeae (1809).
Basionym of
Josephia nivea (Labill.) Poir., Encyclopedie Methodique. Botanique Suppl. 3 (1813).
Duplicate citation of
Banksia nivea Labill., Voy. Rech. Pérouse 1: 411, t. 24 (1800).