Oxalis filipes Small
External links to taxonomic opinions:
- IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
- urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:1053638-2
- Family as entered in IPNI
- Oxalidaceae
- Nomenclatural link
- Oxalis dillenii subsp. filipes (Small) G.Eiten, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 69: 301 (1963).
- Nomenclatural link
- Oxalis florida var. filipes (Small) H.E.Ahles, J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 80: [172] (1964).
- Duplicate citation of
- Oxalis filipes Small in Britton & A.Br., Ill. Fl. N. U.S. (Britton & Brown) 2: 346 (1897).