Apium petroselinum L.

, Sp. Pl. 1: 264 (1753). BHL
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Species Plantarum
1: 264
Date of Publication
1 May 1753
Family as entered in IPNI

Type Information

Habitat in Sardinia, juxta scaturigines.
Type Herbaria
lectotype BM (Herb. Clifford: 108, Apium 2)
Chosen By
Jafri Fl. Libya 117: 82. 1985


Basionym of
Petroselinum petroselinum (L.) H.Karst., Deut. Fl. (Karsten) [9]: 831 (1882), nom. inval.
Basionym of
Carum petroselinum (L.) Benth. & Hook.f., Gen. Pl. [Bentham & Hooker f.] 1(3): 891 (1867).
Replaced synonym of
Petroselinum vulgare Lag., Amen. Nat. Españ. 2: 103 (1821).
Replaced synonym of
Petroselinum sativum Hoffm. ex Gaudin, Fl. Helv. 2: 423 (1828), nom. illeg.
Replaced synonym of
Apium vulgare Lam., Fl. Franç. (Lamarck) 3: 444 (1779), nom. illeg.
Same citation as
Apium petroselinum L., Sp. Pl. 1: 264 (1753).