Spergula sativa Boenn.

, Prodr. Fl. Monast. Westphal. 135 (1824). BHL
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Prodromus Florae Monasteriensis Westphalorum
Date of Publication
14 Mar-20 May 1824
Family as entered in IPNI


The name has been considered illegitimate in some treatments, however 'Boenn. recognised two separate species, either of which had been referred to as Spergula arvensis by previous authors. Boenn. did not know to which species Linnaeus’s S. arvensis belongs, so he cited “S. a. L. in the sense of Sm. and DC.” under the first, and “S. a. of most authors, whether of L.?” under the second, and as a result, he did not definitely include Linnaeus’s (to-be-designated) type in either.' (W.Greuter, pers. comm. 27 July 2010)


Basionym of
Spergula arvensis var. sativa (Boenn.) Rohrb., Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(2): 264 (1872).
Replaced synonym of
Spergula nordica Büscher & G.H.Loos, Jahrb. Bochum. Bot. Vereins 1: 128 (2010), nom. illeg.
Same citation as
Spergula sativa Boenn.