Miconia tonduzii var. hirtella Almeda

, Novon 15(4): 514 (-516; fig. 5) (2005). BHL
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Species Name
Miconia tonduzii Cogn., Monogr. Phan. [A.DC. & C.DC.] 7: 1191 (1891).
Novon; a Journal for Botanical Nomenclature. St. Louis, MO
15(4): 514 (-516; fig. 5)
Date of Publication
12 Dec 2005
Family as entered in IPNI

Type Information

Collector Team
F. Almeda & K. Nakai 4809
Cordillera de Talamanca, on right hand turn onto a gravel road off the Interamerican Hwy, ca.1 km beyond La Georgina en route to san Isidro de El General, alt. 9700 ft [2939 m]
Collection Date
9 Mar 1981
Type Herbaria
holotype CAS
Distribution Of Types
Costa Rica (Central America, Southern America)