Prunus integrifolia Sarg.

, Man. Trees 531, fig. 441 (1905), nom. illeg.
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Manual of the Trees of North America (exclusive of Mexico). With six hundred and forty-four illustrations from drawings by Charles Edward Faxon. Boston, New York
531, fig. 441
Date of Publication
Mar 1905
Family as entered in IPNI

Nomenclatural Notes

Status: nom. illeg. later homonym non (C. Presl) Walp. (1852).


Nomenclatural link
Lauro-cerasus integrifolia C.K.Schneid., Ill. Handb. Laubholzk. [C.K.Schneider] 1: 648 (1906).
Nomenclatural link
Cerasus lyonii Eastw., Occas. Pap. Calif. Acad. Sci. 9: 54 (1905).
Replaced synonym
Prunus ilicifolia var. integrifolia Sudw., Gard. & Forest 4(154): 51 (1891), nom. illeg.
Same citation as
Prunus integrifolia Sarg., Man. Trees N. Amer. 531.