Kubitzkia van der Werff

, Taxon 35(1): 165 (1986).
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Taxon; Official News Bulletin of the International Society for Plant Taxonomy. Utrecht
35(1): 165
Date of Publication
27 Feb 1986
Family as entered in IPNI

Type Information

Type Name
K. mezii (Kosterm.) H. van der Werff (Systemonodaphne mezii Kosterm.)

Original Data

Replaced Synonym
gen. Systemonodaphne


Protologue: ‘Kubitzkia van der Werff, nom. et gen. nov.: Systemonodaphne sensu Mez, non as to type of Mez, Jahrb. Koenigl. Bot. Gartens Berlin 5: 78 (1889). Type: Kubitzkia mezii (Kostermans) van der Werff’; although van der Werff flagged Kubitzkia as ‘nom. et gen. nov.’, his reference to the Latin description of Systemonodaphne Mez, the exclusion of its type, and citation of a new type made Kubitzkia as the legitimate name of a new taxon