- IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
- urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:30021967-2
- Publication
- Species Plantarum
- Collation
- 1: 393
- Date of Publication
- 1 May 1753
- Family as entered in IPNI
- Ericaceae
Type Information
- Locality
- Habitat in Europae frigidioris paludibus turfosis.
- Type Herbaria
- lectotype LAPP (Herb. Linn. No. 163 )
- Chosen By
- C.E.Jarvis & D.C.McClint. Taxon 39: 517. 1990
epithet polifolia refers to a pre-Linnaean plant name and used as a noun in apposition and not an adjective (see Vienna Code Art. 60 ex. 19).
- Same citation as
- Andromeda polifolia L., Sp. Pl. 1: 393 (1753).