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External links to taxonomic opinions:
- IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
- Publication
- Flora of the Southern United States; Containing Abridged Descriptions of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida: Arranged According to the Natural System. New York
- Collation
- 81
- Family as entered in IPNI
- Aceraceae
Type Information
- Distribution Of Types
- Florida (Southeastern U.S.A., Northern America)
- Nomenclatural link
- Acer floridanum (Chapm.) Pax, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 7(3): 243 (1886).
- Nomenclatural link
- Acer saccharinum subsp. floridanum (Chapm.) Wesm., Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 29: 61 (1890).
- Nomenclatural link
- Acer saccharum subsp. floridanum (Chapm.) Desmarais, Brittonia 7: 382 (1952).
- Nomenclatural link
- Acer saccharum var. floridanum (Chapm.) Small & A.Heller, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 3, no. 1: 24 (1892).
- Nomenclatural link
- Acer barbatum f. floridanum (Chapm.) Fernald, Rhodora 47: 160 (1945).
- Nomenclatural link
- Acer barbatum var. floridanum (Chapm.) Sarg., Gard. & Forest 4: 148 (1891).
- Nomenclatural link
- Acer nigrum var. floridanum (Chapm.) Fosberg, Castanea 19: 27 (1954).
- Nomenclatural link
- Saccharodendron floridanum Nieuwl., Amer. Midl. Naturalist 3: 182 (1914).
- Nomenclatural link
- Saccharodendron floridanum (Chapm.) Nieuwl.
Full Record