Goodyera tesselata G.Lodd.

, Bot. Cab. 10(No. 6): t. 952 (1825).
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Botanical Cabinet; Consisting of Coloured Delineations of Plants from all Countries [Edited by Loddiges]. London
10(No. 6): t. 952
Date of Publication
Apr 1825
Family as entered in IPNI

Type Information

'A native of the colder parts of North America. We received plants of it from New York and Philadelphia, in 1824, and many of them flowered in August and September'


The IAPT's General Committee (in Taxon 66(3): 743. 2017) stated that The following names are ruled as having adequate descriptive statements ... i.e., the names are validly published ... Goodyera tesselata G. Lodd.'


Nomenclatural link
Epipactis tesselata A.A.Eaton, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 21: 66 (1908).
Nomenclatural link
Peramium tesselatum A.Heller, Cat. N. Amer. Pl., ed. 2. 4 (1900).
Nomenclatural link
Peramium tesselatum (Lodd.) A.Heller
Nomenclatural link
Orchiodes tesselata (Lodd.) Kuntze
Nomenclatural link
Goodyera repens var. tesselata (Lodd.) B.Boivin, Phytologia 42: 395 (1979).
Nomenclatural link
Epipactis tesselata (Lodd.) A.A.Eaton
Same citation as
Goodyera tesselata G.Lodd., Bot. Cab. 10(6): t. 952 (1825).