IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Report (Annual) of the Regents of the University of the State of New York on the Condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History, [etc.]. Albany, NY
19: 73
Family as entered in IPNI

Type Information

Distribution Of Types
New York (Northeastern U.S.A., Northern America)


Protologue: 5. Nuphar variegatum, Engelm. In reference to this species, the venerable E. Durand, under the date of March 10, 1866, writes me: Nuphar variegatum. I found in Philadelphia, in Dr. Short's herb., now in Academy of Nat. Sciences, a specimen marked New-York, from H. H. Eaton's Herb. It is easily distinguished from N. advena, by its leaves always floating, with closed sinuses and winged petioles. I have just been informed, authentically, that Dr. Engelmann now doubts the distinctness of this species.


Basionym of
Nuphar advena subsp. variegata (Engelm. ex Durand) R.T.Clausen, Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta. Mem. 291: 7 (1949).
Basionym of
Nuphar advena var. variegata (Engelm. ex Durand) Engelm., Manual (Gray), ed. 5. 57 (1867).
Basionym of
Nuphar lutea subsp. variegata (Engelm. ex Durand) E.O.Beal, J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 72: 330 (1956).
Basionym of
Nymphaea advena var. variegata (Engelm. ex Durand) Fernald, Rhodora 10: 49 (1908).
Basionym of
Nymphaea variegata (Engelm. ex Durand) G.S.Mill., Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 15: 13 (1902).
Basionym of
Nymphozanthus variegatus (Engelm. ex Durand) Fernald, Rhodora 21: 187 (1919).
Basionym of
Nymphaea variegata (Engelm. ex Durand) G.S.Mill.
Basionym of
Nuphar lutea subsp. variegata (Engelm. ex Durand) E.O.Beal
Basionym of
Nuphar advena var. variegata (Engelm. ex Durand) Engelm.
Same citation as
Nuphar variegata Engelm. ex Durand
Same citation as
Nuphar variegata Engelm. ex Durand