Knyasev, M.A. Knyasev, M.S. Knjasev, M.S. Kniazev, M.S. Knyazev, M.S.
Area of Interest
Information Source
IK db. 'Knjasev' spelling from Bot. Zhurn., 84(9): 113-122 (1999). First names from Alexey Seregin.
Example of Name Published
Thymus talijevii subsp. rotundatus (Klokov) M.S. Knyazev in P.L. Gorchakovskii et al., Opred. Sosud. Rast. Sredn. Urala: 377 (1994).
The published name “M.C. Knyasev” (in Russian) wrongly transliterated as “M.A. Knyasev” (in Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 100(2): 122. 2015); corrected to: “M.S. Knyasev”