from 'A Dictionary of the Families and Genera of Chinese Seed Plants' ed. How Foon-chew (1982). 'Wang' was a mistake in Acta Phytotax. Sin., 13(4): 9 (1975). Index Herb. Sin.: 179 (1993). Bibliogr. Chinese Syst. Bot. (1949-1990): 211 & 237-238 (1993).
Example of Name Published
Quercus fenchengensis H.W. Jen & L.M. Wang in Bull. Bot. Res. N.-E. For. Inst. 4(4): 196 (1984). Castanopsis densispinosa Y.C. Hsu & H.W. Jen in Acta Phytotax. Sin., 13(4): 16 (1975).