Letter from A. Hansen c. 1984 (date as '1942'). Correction of year of birth (1941) from author. Full name in Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 103: 37 (2005). Year of death from obituary in Lankesteriana 17(1): i-iv (2017).
Example of Name Published
Lobivia aguilarii R.Vásquez in Kakt. And. Sukk. 25(1): 1. 1974; Catasetum fuchsii Dodson & R.Vásquez in Ic.Pl.Trop. (Orch. Bolivia) Fasc. 6: t. 513. 1982.
Specialist in orchids of Bolivia (see C.A. Luer in Ic. Pleurothallid XX (Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard., 79): 29 (2000).