Takhtajan, Armen Leonovich (1910-2009)

Standard Form
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Alternative Abbreviations
Takht. From TL2
Takht. From Meikle
Alternative Names
Takhtadjan, Armen Leonovich
Takhtadzhian, Armen Leonovich
Tachtadshjan, Armen Leonovich
Area of Interest
Pteridophytes, Spermatophytes
Information Source
Biogr. details in A. Takhtajan, Flowering plants: ix (2009). Death year from Ivan Tatanov. Obit. in Taxon, 59(1): 317 (2010), incl. portr. Appreciation in Pl. Sci. Bull., 56(4): 166-170 (2010).
Example of Name Published
Artemisia araxina Takht. in Trans. Armen. Branch Acad. Sc. USSR, Biol. Ser. 2, 209. (1937).
Russian Federation, Armenia