Id%Version%Family%Infra family%Hybrid genus%Genus%Infra genus%Rank%Authors%Basionym author%Publishing author%Full name without family and authors%Publication%Collation%Publication year full%Name status%Remarks%Basionym%Replaced synonym%Nomenclatural synonym%Distribution%Citation type 271759-2% smithiorum%Monogr. Phan. [A.DC. & C.DC.]%9: 246%1896%%%%%%St. Vincent%tax. nov. 271760-2%1.3%Bromeliaceae%%N%Aechmea%%var.%E.Gross%%E.Gross%Aechmea smithiorum var. longistipitata%J. Bromeliad Soc.%35(6): 262, fig%1985%%The type collection, collected in Jun 1972, flowered in the BGH and conserved in Jan 1985 (Gross, Selbyana 19: 191. 1998).%%%%Windward Islands, Baleine Falls, northwards to Windsor Forest, 100-250 m, St. Vincent and the Grenadines%tax. nov.