Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. Wellington

Standard Form
Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst.
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
vols. 1-63
1868-Dec 1933.
BPH Identifier
888.13; BPH-2, 2: 1282
Superceded By
Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand.
By resolution of the society of 1908, the Transactions and Proceedings were to be published in two separate parts, with independent titles and separate paging; this plan was followed throughout v. 41-44, 1908-11, and was intended to be continued through v. 45, 1912, but the Transactions and proceedings were actually published together in that volume; by resolution of 1913 the separate issue of the proceedings was discontinued. (Cf. Proc., 1908, p. [3]: Trans., v. 45, p.413, 521) The combined title Transactions and proceedings is used in all of the volumes of the set except v. 41-43, which have separate titles Transactions and Proceedings. Vols. 18-40 also called new series, v. 1-22; v. 41-57 called new issue; v. 58-63 called quarterly issue.

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