Loudon's Hortus Britannicus: a catalogue of all the plants indigenous, cultivated in, or introduced to Britain. Part I. The Linnaean arrangement: Part II. The Jussieuean arrangement / edited by J. C. Loudon. London

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Hort. Brit. [Loudon]
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post-May 1830 (preface iv: May 1830).
In his Preface (p. iv) , Loudon mentioned that the Linnean Arrangement (pp. xxiii-xxiv, 1-466) and its Supplement (pp. 467-490) were entirely the work of Mr. George Don. INTERNET LINK: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.FIG:002536081. Loudon (preface iv, last paragraph- lines 1-5) mentioned: No further explanation appearing necessary in this Preface, it remains for the Editor to state that the Linnean Arrangement and its Supplement are entirely the work of Mr. George Don; the Natural Arrangement is founded on that of Professor Lindley, with some additions and alterations rendered necessary by the plan of this Catalogue; and Dr. Greville, the profound cryptogamist, assisted in arranging the Cryptogàmia.
Loudon, John Claudius
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