Beskrivelse af Guineeiske Planter som ere fundne af dankse Botanikere, især af Etatsraad Thonning ved F.C. Schumacher, ... Saerskilt aftrykt af det kongelige danske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter. Kjöbenhavn

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Beskr. Guin. Pl.
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
1827 [-1829?]
Preprinted from: Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skr. 3: 21-248. 1827; 4:1-236. 1829. History of dates of publication discussed in: Kew Bull. 1953(2): 280. 1953. Specific names followed by diagnoses and descriptions signed S. must be ascribed to Schumacher, those followed by Th. to Thonning; many names are followed by a diagnosis signed S. and a description signed Th. It seems reasonable to attribute these to Schumacher in accordance with the botanical custom of the time although joint authorship can also be defended. Unsigned names or diagnoses should be attributed to Schumacher. The title-page gives Schumacher as the author; Thonning's name appears only as collector. (vide TL-2, #11.360). Internet Link:
Schumacher, Heinrich Cristian Friedrich
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