Archiv der Gewächskunde. Wien

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Arch. Gewächsk.
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[1811-] 1812-1818¹Published in two editions, with colored and¹uncolored plates. Uncolored edition appeared first.¹Uncolored edition: preface material to vol. 1, date¹15 Mar 1812
Lieferung 1 (pl. 1-50), Sep 1811
and¹Lieferung 2 (pl. 51-100), 1814. Preface material for¹vol. 2, 1814
Leiferung 3 (pl. 101-150), 1813 or¹1814
Lieferung 4 (pl. 151-200), 1814
Lieferung 5¹(pl. 201-250), 1818.¹Colored edition in 4 volumes. 1, t.p. 1813 (publ. of¹colored pl. started 1 Oct 1812)
2, t.p. 1813
3,¹t.p. 1814
4, t.p. 1814
Trattinnick, Leopold
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