Daviesia schwarzenegger Crisp & L.G.Cook

, Phytotaxa 300(1): 168 (2017).
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
300(1): 168
Date of Publication
24 Mar 2017
Family as entered in IPNI

Type Information

Collector Team
M.D.Crisp 11747
New South Wales: W of West Wyalong
Collection Date
7 Sep 2016
Type Herbaria
holotype CANB 893045
isotype NSW
33° 50' S
147° E
Distribution Of Types
New South Wales (New South Wales, Australia, Australasia)
South Australia (Australia, Australasia)
Victoria (Australia, Australasia)

Nomenclatural Notes



doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.300.1.1 DNA sequence data showed D. benthamii subsp. humilis to comprise two cryptic species that are more closely related to other species than to D. benthamii (see details under Affinity below). As they are unexpected and unlikely ‘twins’, we have named them after the actors who played an unlikely pair of twins in the eponymous Hollywood movie: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito. We have named this species after Schwarzenegger because he is much more robust than his twin: ‘The embryo did split in two, but it didn't split equally. All the purity and strength went into Julius [Schwarzenegger’s character]’. This difference between the actors parallels the growth habit difference between the two Daviesia species. We also wish to honour Arnold Schwarzenegger’s leadership (as governor of California) in pioneering the reduction of carbon emissions, and for advising the Australian government to do the same