Dauceria acuta Dennst.

, Schlüssel Hortus Malab. 31, no. 12 (1818), nom. inval.
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Schlüssel zum Hortus Indicus Malabaricus...
31, no. 12
Date of Publication
20 Oct 1818
Family as entered in IPNI

Nomenclatural Notes

Status: nom. inval. Genus name invalid. Dennstedt did not provide a genus description. His intended two new species names “Dauceria obtusa” and “Dauceria acuta” were based on “Tsjeriam-cottam” (van Rheede, Hort. Mal. 5: 21, t. 11. 1685) and “Basaal” (Hort. Mal. 5: 23, t. 12. 1685), respectively. These two species descriptions together do not constitute a genus description.