Peucedanum kingii S.Watson

, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 22: 474 (1887), nom. illeg. BHL
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Boston, MA
22: 474
Date of Publication
25 Jun 1887
Family as entered in IPNI

Nomenclatural Notes

Status: nom. illeg. nom. superfl. Watson erroneously considered his P. graveolens to be a later homonym of P. graveolens (L.) Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 1: 919 (1867) (a combination never made)


Nomenclatural link
Peucedanum graveolens S.Watson
Replaced synonym
Peucedanum graveolens S.Watson, Botany [Fortieth Parallel] 5: 128 (1871).
Replaced synonym of
Lomatium kingii Cronquist, Great Basin Naturalist 46(2): 254 (1986), nom. illeg.
Replaced synonym of
Lomatium kingii Cronquist, Great Basin Naturalist 46(2): 254 (1986), nom. illeg.
Same citation as
Peucedanum kingii S.Watson, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts xxii. (1887) 474.
Same citation as
Peucedanum kingii S.Watson