Epilopsis yumanensis Withner

, Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 40(12): 1085, figs (1971).
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
American Orchid Society Bulletin. Cambridge, MA
40(12): 1085, figs
Date of Publication
Dec ? 1971
Family as entered in IPNI

Type Information

Collector Team
Osment in 1967
Type Herbaria
holotype AMES
Distribution Of Types
Dominican Republic (Caribbean, Southern America)

Nomenclatural Notes

: validity?


Withner published Epilopsis yumanensis (a monotypic genus) as a hybrid species and cited the parental species as: Epidendrum olivaceum and Laeliopsis dominguensis. As a condensed formula, Epilopsis has the first part Ep- from Epidendrum, but does not use the whole of Laeliopsis or its second part -liopsis (contrary to Melbourne Code Art. H.6.2). He provided a Latin description and a type citation. Treatment of Epilopsis as a non nothogenus would validate the genus name (see Art. H.6.2 Ex. 4)


Nomenclatural link
Laelichilis yumanensis (Withner) Sauleda, Phytologia 65: 28 (1988).
Same citation as
× Epilopsis yumanensis Withner, Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 40(12): 1085 (1971).