Abacopteris holophylla (C.Chr.) Ching

, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bot. 8: 241 (1938).
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Bulletin of the Fan Memorial Institute of Biology; Botany. Peiping [Beijing]
8: 241
Family as entered in IPNI


For his 2 Polypodium holophyllum species names, Baker (in J. Bot. 17: 43. 1879; 26: 325. 1888) cited Borneo as the locality; he characterized the 1879 name with creeping rhizome and few irregularly scattered sori and the 1888 name (later homonym) with erect rootstock and globose sori 2 to each cross-veinlet. Ching implicitly excluded P. holophyllum (1879) from his Abacopteris holophylla. Protologue: ‘Abacopteris holophylla (Bak.) Ching, comb. nov. (Polypodium holophyllum Bak.) from Borneo, which differs in erect rhizome … distinctively 2-rowed rounded sori’. It is evident that although Ching based his Abacopteris holophylla on the 1888 name, his intended new combination was inadvertently based on Dryopteris holophylla C.Chr., a new name for P. holophyllum Baker (1888).


Dryopteris holophylla C.Chr., Index Filic. 271 (1905).
Replaced synonym
Polypodium holophyllum Baker, J. Bot. 26: 325 (1888), nom. illeg.