Funastrum lineare J.F.Macbr.

, Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 50 (1917), nom. illeg. BHL
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University. Cambridge, MA
49: 50
Date of Publication
25 Jul 1917
Family as entered in IPNI

Nomenclatural Notes

Status: nom. illeg. nom. superfl. Macbride validly published Funastrum lineare as a nom. nov. for Sarcostemma lineare Decne. 1840 (non Spreng. 1822) and included F. lineare var. heterophyllum, based on Sarcostemma heterophyllum Engelm. ex Torr. (1857); therefore, F. lineare was illegitimate when published (vide ICN Art. 7.5 Ex. 7, Art. 52)


Nomenclatural link
Sarcostemma lineare Decne.
Replaced synonym
Sarcostemma lineare Decne., Pl. Hartw. [Bentham] Sig. E: 25 (1840), nom. illeg.
Same citation as
Funastrum lineare J.F.Macbr., Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 50 (1917).