subfam. Fuchsioideae Beilschm.

, Flora 16(Beibl. 7): 96, 108 (1833), nom. inval.
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Flora; oder, (allgemeine) botanische Zeitung. Regensburg, Jena
16(Beibl. 7): 96, 108
Date of Publication
14 Jun 1833
Family as entered in IPNI

Nomenclatural Notes

Status: nom. inval. For the family Ongraceae (as “Onagrae J.”), Beilschmied implicitly proposed “Sect.: a. Fuchsieae” at the rank of a subfamily. Although “Fuchsieae is correctable to Fuchsioideae, his misapplication of the abbreviated term “Sect.” pertains to a rank higher than genus, and therefore, Beilschmied’s intended subfamily name was not validly published (see ICN Arts. 3.1, 4.1, 37 Ex. 7). Furthermore, Beilschmied was inconsistent in using the endings, “-eae” and “-aceae” for both family and infrafamilial names.

(as Fuschsieae)