Stone, Benjamin Clemens Masterman (1933-1994)

Standard Form
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Alternative Abbreviations
Stone From Meikle
Area of Interest
Spermatophytes, Pteridophytes
Information Source
R.E.G.Pichi Sermolli 1 March 1991. R.W.Kiger 11 July 1991. Barbara Parris' Fern List. Taxon, 48(4): 788 (1999). Biogr. details incl. portr. in Iridos 16(2): 18-19 (2005).
Example of Name Published
Pandanus tectorius var. heronensis (H.St.John) B.C.Stone in Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 85(2): 138 (1982)