Weber, William Alfred (1918-2020)

Standard Form
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Alternative Abbreviations
W.A.Weber From Meikle
Area of Interest
Bryophytes, Mycology, Spermatophytes
Information Source
CMI; Email message on the B, M & S examples from the author; Death year from: Erin Tripp; COLO)
Example of Name Published
Atriplex pleiantha W.A.Weber, MadroƱo 10: 189. 1950 (S); Psora cerebriformis W.A.Weber, Mycotaxon 13:104. 1982 (M); Tayloria solitaria (Cardot) Koponen and Weber, Lindbergia 1:214--216. 1972 (B).
United States