Id%Version%Family%Infra family%Hybrid genus%Genus%Infra genus%Hybrid%Species%Species author%Infra species%Rank%Authors%Basionym author%Standardised basionym author flag%Publishing author%Standardised publishing author flag%Full name%Full name without family%Full name without authors%Full name without family and authors%Reference%Publication%Standardised publication flag%Collation%Publication year full%Publication year%publication year note%Publication year text%Volume%Start page%End page%Primary pagination%Secondary pagination%Reference remarks%Name status%Remarks%Hybrid parents%Basionym%Replaced synonym%Replaced synonym Author team%Nomenclatural synonym%Other links%Same citation as%Distribution%Citation type%Bibliographic reference%Bibliographic type info%Collection date as text%Collection day1%Collection month1%Collection year1%Collection day2%Collection month2%Collection year2%Collection number%Collector team as text%Geographic unit as text%Locality%Latitude degrees%Latitude minutes%Latitude seconds%North or south%Longitude degrees%Longitude minutes%Longitude seconds%East or west%Type remarks%Type name%Type locations%Original taxon name%Original taxon name author team%Original replaced synonym%Original replaced synonym author team%Original basionym%Original basionym author team%Original parent citation taxon name author team%Original taxon distribution%Original hybrid parentage%Original cited type%Original remarks 328197-2% L.%Polypodium L.%Polypodium%Polypodium%Sp. Pl. 2: 1082. 1753 [1 May 1753] ; & Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 485, 1754 as Polypodium sect. Pleopeltis b. Atactosia.%Sp. Pl.%%2: 1082%1753%1753%1 May 1753%1753%%%%%%& Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 485, 1754 as Polypodium sect. Pleopeltis b. Atactosia.%%Cavanilles cited P. vulgare as the example of the genus Polypodium; J. Smith (1875) cited P. vulgare as the type of the genus name.%%%%%%%%%tax. nov.%Anales Hist. Nat. 1(2): 115. 1799 ; J. Sm., Hist. Filicum 88. 1875%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Designated Type: P.vulgare L.%%%%%%%%%%%% 32977-1%1.4%Proteaceae%%N%Polypodium%%N%%%%gen.%Burm.f.%%%Burm.f.%%Polypodium Burm.f.%Polypodium Burm.f.%Polypodium%Polypodium%Fl. Ind. (N. L. Burman) 223, t. 67, f. 1. 1768 [1 Mar-6 Apr 1768] %Fl. Ind. (N. L. Burman)%%223, t. 67, f. 1%1768%1768%1 Mar-6 Apr 1768%1768%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%unknown%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%