Id%Version%Default author name%Default author forename%Default author surname%Standard form%Name Notes%Name source%Dates%Date type code%Date type string%Alternative abbreviations%Alternative names%Taxon groups%Example of name published 22560-1%1.2%%Áskell%Löve%Á.Löve%%Missouri Bryological list from B.Parris' fern index. Obit. in Taxon, 43(4): 670-671 (1994) and Preslia, 67(1): 75-86 (1995), in Czech with bibliography.%1916-1994%%%A.Löve From Meikle%%Pteridophytes, Bryophytes, Spermatophytes%Calla brevis (Raf.) A.Love & D.Love in Bot. Notiser, 128(4): 505 (1975 publ. 1976).