Id%Version%Default author name%Default author forename%Default author surname%Standard form%Name Notes%Name source%Dates%Date type code%Date type string%Alternative abbreviations%Alternative names%Taxon groups%Example of name published 8463-1%1.3%%Norman Keith Bonner%Robson%N.Robson%%from Correll & Johnson 'Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas' 1970; Death year Tweeted from Natural History Museum, London, (via Pradit Tinamas, Kasetsart University); Memorial Tribute at: (via John McNeill; E)%1928-2021%%%N.Robson From Meikle%%Spermatophytes%Hypericum monadenum N.Robson, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 21: 183, in adnot. (1954)